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- Wang, Z., & Battiato, I. (2022). A mineral precipitation model based on the volume of fluid method. J. Computational Physics.
- Perez-Claro, Y., Santo, D., Krishnan, V., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Analyzing X-ray CT Images From Unconventional Reservoirs Using Deep Generative Models. SPE Western Regional Meeting.
- Liu, L., Nieto-Draghi, C., Lachet, V., Heidaryan, E., & Aryana, S. (2022). Bridging Confined Phase Behavior of CH4-CO2 Binary Systems Across Scales. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids.
- Brown, G., Bargar, J., Druhan, J., Jew., A., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Chemical and Reactive Transport Processes Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing of Unconventional Oil/Gas Shales. Chemical Reviews.
- Kurotori, T., Zahasky, C., Gran, M., Kovscek, A., & Benson, S. (2022). Comparative analysis of imaging and measurements of micrometer-scale fracture aperture fields within a heterogeneous rock using PET and X-ray CT. TIPM.
- Singh, N., Simeski, F., & Ihme, M. (2022). Computing Thermodynamic Properties of a Fluid Augmented by Nanoconfinement. Journal of Physical Chemistry.
- Simeski, F., & Ihme, M. (2022). Corrosive Influence of Carbon Dioxide on Crack Propagation in Quartz. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
- Hashemi, S., & Zoback, M. (2022). Effect of supercritical CO2 on permeability and surface characteristics of fractures in shales. ARMA.
- Sun, J., Li, Z., & Aryana, S. (2022). Examination of Haines Jump in Microfluidic Experiments via Evolution Graphs and Interface Tracking. Fluids.
- Vega, B., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Fractal Characterization of Multimodal, Multiscale Images of Shale Rock Fracture Networks. Energies.
- Khan, H., Ross, C., & Druhan, J. (2022). Impact of Concurrent Solubilization and Fines Migration on Fracture Aperture Growth in Shales During Acidized Brine Injection. Fuel.
- Kohli, A., Zoback, M., & Singh, A. (2022). Impacts of variations of the minimum horizontal stress on hydraulic fracture growth and microseismicity. ARMA.
- Smith, E., Medina-Rodriguez, B., & Alvarado, V. (2022). Influence of interfacial responses of Berea Sandstone in low-salinity waterflooding environments. Fuel.
- Kamali-Asl, A., Kovscek, A., & Zoback, M. (2022). Long-term Permeability Evolution of Shale Rocks with Argon and scCO2. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.
- Lyu, Y., Dasani, D., Tsotsis, T., & Jessen, K. (2022). Mass Transfer and Sorption in Shales Under Variable Net Stress.
- Shi, Z., Khodaparast, P., Hu, S., Tsotsis, T., & Jessen, K. (2022). Measurement and Modeling of Methane Diffusion in n-Alkane Mixtures. Fuel.
- Kurotori, T., Murugesu, M., Zahasky, C., Vega, B., Druhan, J., Kovscek, A., & Benson, S. (2022). Mixed Imbibition Controls The Advance of Wetting Fluid in Multiscale Geological Media. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Medina-Rodriguez, B., Froute, L., Alvarado, V., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Multimodal Study of the Impact of Stimulation pH on Shale Pore Structure, with an Emphasis on Organics Behavior in Alkaline Environments. Fuel.
- Medina-Rodriguez, B., Alvarado, V., Kohli, A., & Kovscek, A. (2022). Pore structures and transport properties of shales saturated with supercritical CO2. Energy & Fuels.
- Singh, A., & Zoback, M. (2022). Predicting variations of least principal stress with depth: Application to unconventional oil and gas reservoirs using a log-based viscoelastic stress relaxation model. Geophysics.